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Payment and Security - ZUMO
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Payment and Security

Choices for payment

Payment can be done with any of the options below. Your personal details are safe with us we take secrurity very seriously. 

Multisafepay Payments
Fraud is taken very seriously by us, all credit and debit cardholders are subject to validation, authorisation and security checks by both the card issuer and us. This keeps your payments safe at all times with the use of data encryption, PCI DSS, 3-D Secure, and advancedfraud protection.

We accept all payments of this service

Credit Card 
We accept all major credit cards

We accept all payments of this card

We accept all payments of this card

We accept all payments of this card 

Paypal keeps your transactions secure by not sharing your full financial information with sellers. They monitor transactions 24/7. Encryption help keeps your online transactions guarded from start to finish. Consumers are able to contact Paypal if anything seems suspicious. They can help you protect yourself from fraudulent charges against your account. Please note Paypal will never ask for sensitive information in an email.

We accept all payments of this service 

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✔️ Free pick up & returns in 14 stores
✔️ Free shipping from € 50 NL & BE